the secret source of prayer
There is a secret source of prayer.
And it isn't in some technique, or special words, or sacred intention, however helpful they may be.
And though The Holy Spirit helps us to pray in our weakness, since we don't know what we ought to pray for (Romans 8:26), the secret source isn't really in Him.
The Secret Source is Jesus (the answer to every Sunday School question!)
It's secret because it originates in the most neglected aspect of Christ's Life and Work, His Ascension to glory, forty days after Easter. It always happens on a Thursday, and therefore is rarely taught or remembered. Jesus ascended bodily to be seated at The Father's side, such that humanity is now represented at the throne of God. He is the firstfruits of all others who follow in His captivating train, restored in Him to frontal fellowship with God.
This secret of the Ascended Christ is the Source of our prayers, since He is seated in glory, interceding for us at the right Hand of God (Romans 8:34). And as He prays for us and for all before The Father, The Spirit communicates that powerful and large prayer to us, if we will but listen to His still and small Voice.
So as we pray, let's listen for The Prayer of that Secret Source before we launch in to our prayer, joining Jesus and all the saints in His ascended intercession.