Shepherds of the Way
The Shepherds of The Way is a Society of Christian churches, ministries, and leaders who seek to live in the Vision of the Triune God, the Virtues of Jesus, and the Disciplines of His disciples, all for His Glory and for His Kingdom. We encourage one another in being godly in beholding The Trinity in His various Attributes; in being Christ-like in His Virtues of Faith, Hope, and Love; and holy in pursuing disciplines that stabilize us in Faith, convert us in Hope, and call for obedience in Love. We ask God to use this Society and Way of Life to make us more like Jesus. We are united by a common Way or Rule of Life, crafted individually and/or collectively out of “A Way of Virtue” promoted by our Mother House, The Abbey of The Way in Worcester, MA (
The Society is currently led by Father Len Cowan, Abbot, Father Brian Barry, Assistant Abbot, and Gail Gardner, Secretary. Although we come from various church traditions, we are in essential agreement with the doctrine and discipline of the Anglican Church in North America, of which The Abbey is a mission.
As a society we are bound together in love and obedience to Christ as outlined in Scripture and interpreted by the historic ecumenical Creeds. However, we are free under God’s Word and Authority to be diverse in our understandings about matters of Church discipline and practice. We are each called to particular forms of servanthood, and view this Society, and its Way of Life, as tools to sharpen us for the service and advancement of God’s Kingdom. As a Society we espouse no cause but Christ and the Kingdom of God.
Our Purpose
… to become holy people, having a godly and Christlike life and way of living;
… to encourage this kind of life among our members and in the Church at large;
… to develop small, local communities of like-minded believers who share our commitment to this life;
… to practice and encourage Christ-like love among all people, especially among clergy and Christian leaders;
… to work and serve in love and companionship with others, and particularly those who are not yet part of God’s Family in Christ;
Our Way of Life
…is intended to help us live out these purposes in everyday like.
…is focused on aspiring to the Virtues of Faith, Hope, and Love as lived by Jesus; pursuing the Vision of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; and practicing the Stabilizing, Converting, and Obedient Disciplines of disciples of Christ. A
…is based upon The Abbey’s “Way of Virtue”, which can be found HERE.
…is customized as we choose personally and/or collectively those aspects of “A Way of Virtue” to which God is pointing or drawing us. We adopt various disciplines to draw us closer to the Vision God such that He enables us to manifest the Virtues of Jesus.
…is developed in consultation with our Abbot, and is reviewed annually with him.
…includes a daily time in which we intercede for one another by name, regular gatherings with members or other like-minded people in our local areas for mutual encouragement in Christ, an annual retreat to deepen our life in God, and occasional Days of Reflection hosted in-person or online.
…is a source of wisdom and support, a trellis to help us to grow towards the Sun of Righteousness, a railing to keep us from falling from the Way of Christ, and a means of measurement and encouragement to help us live and work in constant communion with our Lord, Who alone is the Source of spiritual life and growth.
Our Prayer of Vocation
Almighty God, whom truly to know is everlasting life: Grant us so perfectly to know Your Son Jesus Christ to be the way, the truth, and the life, that we may steadfastly follow His steps in the way that leads to eternal glory; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who lives and reigns with You, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Those interested in exploring membership in The Shepherds of The Way can contact our Abbot, Father Len Cowan, at