uncommon strength

God's Strength can be displayed in the common ways that the word "strength" implies.  He is capable of doing mighty acts, such as creating all things, causing natural laws to be suspended, or upholding the world by the word of His Power (Hebrews 1:3).  These would be commonly understood notions of God's Strength

But perhaps the greatest Strength of God is seen in His forbearance towards sinners such as you and me, and His forgiveness offered to all who will receive it.  After the People of Israel believed the bad report of the Promised landl, brought back to the wilderness by the unfaithful spies, they decided to choose a new leader in order to return to Egypt.  In return, God indicated to Moses that He would strike them all down and make of Moses an even greater nation.

Moses responded by calling upon God to show His un-common strength:  now may the Lord's strength be displayed. The Lord is slow to anger, abounding in love, and forgiving sin and rebellion (Numbers 14:17).  In God's Patience with sinners, in His steadfast Love towards us, and in His willingness to forgive the guilty, the Strength of God is manifested in His meekness, Strength restrained.  If you will, as with us who have been possessed by Him, His Strength is made perfect in this "weakness", this uncommon Strength of restraint.

So today, as you encounter situations or news that could make you want to show the common strength of calling for vengeance, retribution, or more, demonstrate God's uncommon Strength within you as you are patient with sinners, loving your enemies, and forgiving the guilty, including yourself.


calloused hearts


You Will Have Trouble