to be marveled

With all the extraordinary sights, sounds, and experiences imaged to us through our screens and earbuds, it seems as if one has to go a great distance to marvel or to wonder.  The Marvel Universe, branded in comic-book form in 1961, was truly marvelous to simpler eyes and ears, With such wonderful characters as The Fantastic Four, Spider-Man, Iron Man, Wolverine, Captain America, Black Widow, Thor, Hulk, Daredevil, Doctor Strange, Black Panther, X-Men, Guardians of the Galaxy, readers marveled with Captain Marvel himself.  Today, the comics are an afterthought, and Disney Studios has had to resort to evermore outlandish plots and visuals to capture the Marvel of it all, with declining popularity.  Our culture is losing the gift of wonder.

Thankfully, unless we believers have also become super-saturated with artificial marvels, we find in the narratives of this Advent-Christmas-Epiphany season wonders galore that are worth recalling, contemplating, and proclaiming.  We can join in amazement with the shepherds and all who heard their telling the message of the angels and the manger, that the Infinite God of the Universe had become a child, a human, Who came to find and redeem lost sinners like us (Luke 2:17-18).  We can follow Mary in treasuring all these things, pondering them in her heart (Luke 2:19).  As we read the story of Jesus' Birth, Life, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension, we can journey with The Wise Men, who marveled at the Star proclaiming Jesus' Birth, and traveled a long distance to worship Him (Matthew 2); or we can be among those who were overwhelmed with wonder when they saw Him performing wonders in word and deed, as they ran to greet Him (Mark 9:15).  And as we prepare for His Second Advent, when He comes again to be glorified in us, His Holy People, we can and will marvel at His Presence and the Glory of His Might (2 Thessalonians 1:9-10).

Though there is a certain wonder in this Xmas season, let's be those who experience an even Greater Marvel: God The Father revealed in one of us, His Son Jesus of Nazareth, The Savior Who sends the Holy Spirit to accomplish great marvels in those He saves and sanctifies.  And let's be those who declare this Wonder to a world that has lost it.


Jesus’ dysfunctional family


God intercedes