The Mystery of Growth

In illustrating the growth and advance of the Kingdom of God, Jesus turns to agriculture.  He talks about a man who scatters seed on the ground,  The seed sprouts and grows, though the sower has no idea how that growth happens.  All by itself the soil produces grain which, eventually, will get harvested (Mark 4:26-27).

This mystery of the growth of the Kingdom is worth praying into.  As we address our concerns, and that of others we pray for, we need to feed our requests through the perspective of the Kingdom.  Though we know not how, that Kingdom is growing, and only that which is submitted to Him will ultimately survive.  So as we seek "answers" to needs and desires, for ourselves or for others, we must do so with that Kingdom perspective.  This we do in order to avoid the mental manipulation of trying to pray things into our version of reality.  Because of the mystery of the growing Kingdom, we best pray by seeking first that Kingdom, asking The Holy Spirit of the Kingdom to teach us how to pray.  In response, all that which is truly needful for that Kingdom will be granted, for us, and for those who have asked us to pray.


Green with Envy


Why couldn’t we?