150 gallons
150 gallons.
This is at least the amount of wine Jesus created for that wedding in Cana (John 2:6).
I mean, really! This far surpasses any SuperBowl kegger. And it makes you wonder what the steward was thinking when he approved the original amount of wine which ran out, if Jesus needed to make that much to continue the feast.
But that's not the point. Prudent stewardship doesn't seem to be a high priority with God. Consider the lilies of the field...or the birds of the air... They are countless, way more than we might think is really needed, and yet God clothes and feeds them all.
And if you continue reading through John's gospel, you find Jesus telling the woman at the well that whoever drinks the water He gives will receive a spring welling up to eternal life (4:14). As at the wedding, Jesus provides more than a sip, not just for the woman, but for us as well. In feeding the 5000, everyone got as much as they wanted. Now Jesus did decree that nothing be wasted, and yet they gathered twelve baskets of leftover pieces (6:11-13). Did He miscalculate? No.
Our God is not the miser in dispensing Grace. That's what sets Him apart from every other god or religion. He gives us way better than we deserve, even as His Mercy doesn't give us what we do deserve.
So, in stewarding our limited resources, we need to remember the unlimited Resources of God and His Extravagance in giving them away. Perhaps we can emulate John the Baptist working at Aenon near Salim because there was plenty of water (3:23). Apparently, John was not content with offering a sprinkle, and maybe we shouldn't be either. Or Jesus' friend Mary who took a pint of expensive perfume and emptied it in anointing Jesus' feet (John 12:3). A little dab wouldn't do for her, and maybe it shouldn't for us either. Or the sower who scatters copious seed everywhere, such that even the ones trampled on the path feed those birds of the air (Mark 4:4). No stingy planting of God's Word in neat rows, but a broadcasting to every highway and byway.
Paul tells us that God loves a hilarious (lit.) giver (2 Corinthians 9:7). Let's emulate our Grace-full, extravagant, hilarious Giving God.