We all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord's Glory, are being transformed into His Image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, Who is the Spirit. 2 Cor. 3:18

The Abbey of The Way Community helps leaders and followers of Jesus to behold the Vision of God, to grow in the Virtue of Jesus, and to live in a Via/Way of the Holy Spirit.
The Abbey House offers a peaceful refuge for doing so.
You are invited to enjoy a transformative experience with Jesus and with us!

MARRIAGE SEMINAR COMING IN APRIL! Click on “Upcoming” tab above

The Abbey

The Abbey is a House of Refuge and a Community of believers who support it.


The “Of”

We offer a program of prayer and spiritual formation,
including Prayer Gatherings, Retreats, and Groups
both for on-site guests or for those gathering elsewhere,
and we have other offerings to assist you in Jesus’ Way of Life


The Way

The Abbey of The Way is centered in The Vision of God, the Virtues of Jesus, and a Via or Way of Life that focuses us on Him so that we can see, receive, and serve Him


Who runs the Abbey of The Way?

It is directed by Father Len Cowan, is overseen by a Board of Directors, is staffed by a Community that shares its vision for ministry and lives its Way of Life, and is supported by all who believe in its ministry. It is in partnership with and is a sponsored mission of the Anglican Diocese in New England.

Len and his late wife, Hallie, have been pursuing and promoting a deeper life in Christ ever since they met in college in the Jesus Revolution of the 1970s. Len served as an Episcopal priest for 37 years in three parishes, a summer camp, and regional and national renewal ministries. Hallie served with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship for 28 years, first as campus staff at three women’s colleges, then as Coordinator for Prayer and Spiritual Formation in New England. While serving in their last parish, Len and Hallie developed and The Refuge, a parish-based center for renewal, retreat, and refreshment at the church building.

Len stepped down from parish ministry in 2015 to develop The Abbey of The Way, situated in his childhood home in Worcester, Massachusetts. Conceived as a center for the spiritual formation for Christian leaders, The Abbey is grounded in a life of prayer. Key to its life and ministry is its Via or Way of Life, a disciplined guide for living in the Vision of God such that the Holy Spirit replicates the Virtues of Jesus in real life.

Len is an experienced Spiritual Director/Mentor, and promotes prayer and spiritual formation in various Kingdom-focused networks throughout New England. He is a priest in the Anglican Church in North America, and assists the Bishop of New England in fostering intercession and deep formation. He is part of The Journey, an evangelical church start, and Emmaus City Church, a Christian Reformed church start, both located in Worcester. Len and The Abbey are in fellowship with the breadth of the faithful church, embracing its evangelical, charismatic, catholic, contemplative, and justice streams of renewal.

Len is blessed with two grown daughters who share in The Life in Christ with their husbands and four grandchildren who are growing in Christ.

Who can be a part of the Abbey and its ministry?
Though the Abbey’s particular focus is for building up Christian leaders, anyone seeking to follow Jesus is welcome to find refuge here and to join our community.

How do I receive more information?
Please call us at 508-799-5011
or email us at fatherlen@abbeyoftheway.us